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3 Stages Of Adopting A Puppy And What To Expect

by 7figure dropshipping 25 Sep 2023

Are you thinking about welcoming a new furry friend to the family? While you’re undoubtedly feeling super excited about getting a dog, you may be wondering how best to prepare. 

There’s a lot to consider when adopting a rescue puppy, which is why we’ve put together this handy guide on the three important stages and what to expect.  

Before you adopt, research 

Before you adopt, it’s important to research the puppy’s breed to make sure that they are the right fit for your family. While it’s easy to make an emotional decision when it comes to puppies, it’s essential to be realistic and practical. 


For instance, you should find out about their energy levels and exercise requirements. Do they need hours of rigorous exercise every day or a short walk? Will this suit your lifestyle? 

You should also consider how much time you have for maintenance, as certain breeds require more grooming depending on their fur. By taking the time to do your research, you can make sure you can provide the right home for your dog.

Prepare for their arrival

Once you’ve found the perfect pooch, it’s time to prepare for their arrival! You should take some time to pet-proof your house, remove any exposed wires, hide any cleaners and chemicals, and secure your garden. 

You’ll need to purchase essential pet supplies, such as food, bowls, collars, leads, harnesses, identity tags, toys, and poo bags. Consider any grooming equipment you’ll need, like brushes, combs, or shampoo. 

You should also create a comfy and cosy space for them to rest and relax in, such as a dog crate with snuggly bedding inside. Crates for dogs come in a wide range of sizes – so you’re sure to find the right one for your pooch! 

Welcome them home

When you’re set up and ready for your new furry friend, it’s time to bring them home! This is likely to be a joyful and exciting occasion but will require some adjustment for you and your family. 

Be prepared for your dog to be a little unsure of their surroundings at first. They may need lots of positive reinforcement and encouragement to explore their new home. Emotional challenges could arise, such as fear or anxiety – so it’s important to be patient and reward them for good behavior as they get settled. 

If you’re adopting a puppy, they may have big bursts of energy and want to play – which is a great time to bond with them. But they will also need lots of downtime too. In fact, four-month-old puppies need around 12 hours of sleep per day. Give them plenty of time and space for some much-needed z’s throughout the day. 

By doing your research, prepping your house, investing in the essentials, and supporting their transition to your home, you can be best prepared for a lifetime and love and happiness with your new pooch.

How to make a bound with your new puppy

Welcoming a new furry member into your family is an exciting and joyous occasion. Whether you are a first-time pet owner or have had dogs before, building a strong bond with your new puppy is crucial for a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Establishing a connection based on trust, love, and understanding will not only enhance your pet’s overall well-being but also lead to a happier and healthier life together. Here are some effective tips on how to make a bond with your new puppy.

Remember that your new puppy is adjusting to an entirely new environment. It is essential to give them time to acclimate to their surroundings and get comfortable with you and the family. Be patient during this transitional phase, as it may take a few days or even a few weeks for your puppy to feel at ease.

2. Spend Quality Time Together:

Dedicate uninterrupted quality time to spend with your new puppy every day. This means putting away distractions like phones or work and focusing solely on building a bond. Engage in activities your puppy enjoys, such as playing with toys, going for walks, or teaching simple commands like sit or stay. These activities will not only provide mental and physical stimulation but also create a connection between you and your puppy.

3. Positive Reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in building a strong bond with your new puppy. Whenever your puppy engages in appropriate behavior, reward them with treats, verbal praise, or gentle petting. This positive reinforcement will help them associate your presence with positive experiences, reinforcing the bond between you both.

4. Establish Routine:

Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. Establishing a daily routine for your new puppy will provide them with a sense of security and predictability. From meal times to exercise and playtime, having a consistent schedule will help your puppy feel more comfortable and deepen your bond as you both navigate shared experiences.

5. Socialize:

Exposing your new puppy to different people, animals, and environments is critical for their development and social skills. Arrange playdates with other friendly dogs or take them to puppy training classes. By introducing them to various stimuli, you are helping your puppy become well-rounded and adaptable, as well as strengthening the bond between you through shared experiences.

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